Yes the great Sayiaman, is a legendary hero to the anime dragonball and is a pretty powerful warrior. He defends the city of hercule aka Hercule city which he is known as the legendary golden warrior before he shown his true hero custume. Then, he is also a student known as gohan in the college known as golden star college, and he is most smart student that is there.
Great Sayiaman also isn't particly human, gohan is a half human half sayian; which is why he came up with his name because it is a compation of both his races. This, was then figured out by the woman videl who was also a hero that works along the side of the police, and she is also the daugher of the person that the city was named after Hercule, and he is also the world champion of the world. Then, after videl figured out Gohans sercet as the great sayianman and is part alien, he made her be guiet by teacher her the ability to fly, which wasnt hard after all.
Now after a few years, they fought evil together even though videl wasn't the strongest but can still put up a even fight. Then, one day after a whole roller couster of events, gohan had defeated the great evil known as majin buu. After that conflict and gain a more deeper relationship with videl, they officaly get into and relationship and later in the future; got married and had a kid.